With an extensive history as a food industry shipper ourselves, Diamond Logistics understands that the primary concerns of shippers are to have a shipment arrive as scheduled in the same condition it left – all at a reasonable price. Because we understand your shipping concerns, no matter what your freight needs are, we offer a variety of solutions to accommodate your specific situation. Contact Diamond Logistics today to learn how we can help you ensure your freight and profits are safe!
Diamond Rewards
Earn redeemable points each time you ship with Diamond Logistics. Each shipped mile represents 1 redeemable point in our online loyalty systems store.
Track shipped miles accumulation
Redeem points for exclusive rewards in our online store
Redeem points for exclusive rewards in our online store
The Diamond Advantage
Diamonds are transparent, and diamonds are rock solid. Our practices are all transparent and we have a solid process that gets you the highest quality service for your money. Learn MoreContact UsOur Specialties
About Us
PO Box 1467
Selma, CA 93662
Our Specialties
About Us
PO Box 1467
Selma, CA 93662